Selected Plants of Navajo Rangelands

Take care of our Navajo Rangelands


Square stem (characteristic of the mint family) with fuzzy, dentate leaves and tiny white flowers

Horehound is a pest. It grows at lower to middle elevations, frequently in the shade of trees in a ring around the trunk but also in sidewalks and waste areas. The wrinkled, grayish leaves and nearly hidden white flowers are easy to recognize. The ten spreading and hooked calyceal teeth act like velcro and are dangerous to pets as they can work themselves deeply into fur.

Seed capsule with tiny hooked teeth at the top
Seed capsules next to a ruler to show how small they are!
Cross-sections of the fuzzy, square stem.
Small clusters of white flowers arrange along the stem.
Bushy clump of horehound early in the season before flowering
Dry seedheads on a brown stalk in the wintertime

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