Selected Plants of Navajo Rangelands

Take care of our Navajo Rangelands

Groundsel, lobeleaf
(a.k.a. Uinta groundsel, basin butterweed, butterweed)

Open blossoms with dense, dark yellow disk and sparsely arranged rays

Lobeleaf groundsel, a short-lived perennial forb, grows up to 2 feet tall and has green foliage that becomes smooth as it matures. It blooms from April through August. Flowers are arranged in a flat-topped, umbrella-like arrangement.

Lobeleaf groudsel is most commonly found in semi-desert, foothills, and woodlands. It prefers dry, sandy soils and is grazed by both livestock and wildlife. It contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids and presents a risk to livestock in sufficient quantities.

Yellow blossoms, not quite open
Deeply lobed foliage
Umbel shape of inflorescences atop erect stems
Growth habit with erect stems and flowers in an umbel arrangement

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